  (TR)IN(P)site, 53.01.6-55.08.6      III, AddNRev/52ASWW.html
  |  Please note that all documents are/will be dated using  |
  |  a code consisting of three numbers: 12.34.5. For an     |
  |  explanation of this Year-Week-Day system click here.    |
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|        A D D I T I O N S   A N D   R E V I S I O N S         |
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|                                                              |
|     In Southern Late Lent                                    |
|                                                              |
|     Special attention has been paid to the development of a  |
|     new type of text document: the *.HTM file (with capital  |
|     H, T and M). This is a 'terminal' file with no further   |
|     downward links, while other links are located outside    |
|     the central text table. Such an *.HTM file is optimized  |
|     for both text and graphic browsers, so that no separate  |
|     text version is needed anymore. (This means, of course,  |
|     that some concessions have to be made to the graphic     |
|     representation.) The first *.HTM text files are:         |
|     Crusoe's Conversion, Merry Mythmas and                   |
|     The Yule of the Turkeys. Eventually all textual terminal |
|     files are to be turned into *.HTM files, and the non-    |
|     terminal 'nodal' files into *.htm files.                 |
|                                                              |
|     In Southern Early and Mid-Lent                           |
|                                                              |
| 42: While the index document used to be the same as the main |
|     document, it has now been turned into a real index for   |
|     quick reference. It does not exceed the dimensions of    |
|     one monitor page in size, so that no scrolling is needed |
|     to view the whole page and to find a particular link.    |
|     (Once having become familiar with the Main Document this |
|     obligatory scrolling tends to become annoying.)          |
|          Further changes do not only concern the graphic     |
|     representation of *.htm(l) documents but also the        |
|     conversion of plain-text files without an extension into |
|     *.txt files for users of browsers which do not           |
|     automatically accept files without an extension. This    |
|     process will take some time (as all links will have to   |
|     be adjusted too). Therefore the fact that text files     |
|     without any extension and text files with the            |
|     txt-extension exist side by side at the moment does not  |
|     have any meaning as far as the contents of those files   |
|     are concerned.                                           |
|          The insertion of a new 'note' into the Main         |
|     Document continues each metric month. These notes are    |
|     collected in a special document called                   |
| 41: "Notes of the Metric Months".                            |
|                                                              |
|     In Southern Equinoctial                                  |
|                                                              |
|     Beginning of the introduction of transparent and         |
|     'animated' pictures. As far as texts are concerned,      |
| 40: A Funeral Ceremony (section 5.1.4 of the Book of         |
|     Symbols) with The Final Anagnorisis (S. has now  |
|     been made electronically available.                      |
|                                                              |
|     In Southern Mid-Yule                                     |
|                                                              |
|     A text trailer has been inserted at the beginning of the |
|     Main Document which shows a different 'note' every       |
|     metric month. After the end of the month the note is     |
| 39: saved in a special file in the Notes directory.          |
|                                                              |
|     In Southern Early Yule                                   |
|                                                              |
|     The most important new development in this month was the |
|     introduction of 'illuminated' text trailers for graphic  |
|     browsers which support this facility. (Microsoft         |
|     Internet Explorer 3.0 does, but Netscape 3.0 does not.)  |
|     Altho text trailers can be used to display any text      |
|     which is not too long, they are especially appropriate   |
|     for making computer-generated texts, such as motion      |
|     poems, move across the screen. The first motion poem     |
|     which can now be viewed by means of a trailer is         |
| 38: A Finger of Value. A graphic representation of the       |
| 37: complete still of this motion poem has been added.       |
|     Starting from the trailer the trailer and the still can  |
|     even be viewed at the same time.                         |
|                                                              |
|     In Northern Late-Lent and Equatorial                     |
|                                                              |
|     Extra attention is being paid to the possibility of      |
|     adding the spoken word and songs to the TRINPsite        |
|     documents. Sound files tend to become very large,        |
|     however. (The 2-minute-long poem Saxifrax, for instance, |
|     takes a *.wav file of 2.64 Mb.) Nonetheless, new         |
|     recordings have been added:                              |
| 36: The Wheel Has Wrought ..., a song based on the third     |
|     wheel poem;                                              |
| 35: Neutralist Chant, which first appeared in the Model;     |
| 34: Introduction to main document, following the Welcome.    |
| 33: A document with the list of the five currently available |
|     sound files was added as well. This document can be      |
|     accessed from here or from the main document.            |
| 32:      On 52.26.8, that is halfway Equatorial (and the     |
|     52nd year ASWW) the name of this site and project was    |
|     changed from InSite to TRINPsite for reasons explained   |
|     in a notice attached to the main document. The file name |
|     of this notice was and still is index.htm, but since the |
|     index document is as a rule the same as the main         |
|     document, a later version of the temporary notice will   |
|     be kept under the name ind52303.htm for future           |
|     reference.                                               |
|          In these two months the work of turning nongraphic  |
|     *.html files into standard *.htm files was continued.    |
|     These files are (to be) designed in such a way that they |
|     do not only produce good viewing on the screen but also  |
|     a good layout and reading on paper when printed out by   |
|     means of one of the two main graphic browsers.           |
|                                                              |
|     In Northern Mid-Lent                                     |
|                                                              |
| 31: A new poem, ~Such Tears~, in both a graphic and a non-   |
|     graphic plain-text representation. (This latter format   |
|     remains important for use with word-processors or        |
|     editors not meant for browsing or dry-surfing.)          |
|                                                              |
|     Between Early Yule and Mid-Lent                          |
|                                                              |
|     In this period no new _text_ files were added, but the   |
|     graphic representation of existing files was improved.   |
|     After standardization the .html files are turned into    |
|     .htm files, a work which will continue.                  |
|                                                              |
|     In Northern Early Yule                                   |
|                                                              |
| 30: Introduction of a multiple viewing facility on the first |
|     or 'highest' level. With this option it is possible to   |
|     see several documents or parts of one document side by   |
|     side at the same time, without having to reload one`s    |
|     (graphical interface) browser, that is.                  |
| 29: Creation of a MainDoc.html file in addition to the       |
|     index.html file. The former file always comprises the    |
|     InSite Main Document, the latter file is used for        |
|     special announcements. When there is no such special     |
|     announcement or notice the index file is an exact copy   |
|     of the main document file.                               |
|                                                              |
|                                                              |
  | From here you are given immediate upward access to:      |
  | --  Additions and Revisions                              |
  | --  the main document (on level I)                       |
DNI Foundation, Amsterdam, Neth. in@xs4all.nl, www.xs4all.nl/~in