Ananda is a short song by Vinsent Nandi in This Language and
in Zhezhong Yuyan.
The lyrics of the version below are the same as the (revised) text
of the first stanza of
To Ananda, A Poem of
Millenniums, of which the last two lines are repeated:
your name is the name of a person,
regardless of gender or sex,
regardless of age or descent,
from the North or from the South,
from the East or from the West,
a native of this world
that the Norm has awoken.
text proper
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![[LISTEN TO THE FIRST STANZA (mp3)]](../../../Graf/Icon/Speaker.gif) |
SUNG (FAST) [545kB;MP3]
![[LISTEN TO THE SONG (fast version)]](../../../Graf/Icon/Speaker.gif) |
SUNG (SLOW) [1193kB;MP3]
![[LISTEN TO THE SONG (slow version)]](../../../Graf/Icon/Speaker.gif) |
The use of the name Ananda for the person addressed by the speaker
or singer is one of numerous allusions in the poem to a legend several
thousand years old from the eastern part of the Eastern and
Northern Hemispheres. Aside from its historical or mythological
significance, it is a nearly perfect neutral name in aural symbolism:
if it were not for the |d|, the name would belong to
the N-A-series of neutralistic
morphemes based on the consonant |N| and the vowel |AH|. In the
present language Ananda is more likely to be pronounced as
|a-NAHN.d.a| than as |ah-NAHN.d.ah|, but the schwa (|a|) may be
considered a weakened variant of |AH|. In either case this name and these
sounds constitute the aural imagery of the poem and song.
The first version of the poem appeared in
the Book of Symbols in This Language.
It described Ananda as someone 'from the East' first,
and then continued to make
'im (him/her) a person from
any part of the world.
In the above version, however, Ananda is called someone 'from the North'
first for reasons having to do with the alliterative structure of the text,
as will be explained shortly.
Moreover, in the original version Ananda is 'a person open to
the Norm', that is, the new
'dharma' or doctrine of
based on
the primacy of norms and values.
Ananda is now said to be a native who has been waked up by the Norm
personally and/or a native of a world which has been waked up by the Norm
collectively, a description of a much wider range. Instead of waked
or woken up the literary form awoken is used, which contains
the same vowels and ends with the same syllable as open.
Before we will be able to consider the many instances of the
repetition of sounds in Ananda with the
ensuing aural effects (such as alliteration), we must
know what sounds are or can be involved.
For that purpose we shall use the double-case phonemic
transcription system as introduced in the
Vocabulary of Alliteration.
Not only does this transcription stick to standard letters, it
also has the great advantage of clearly showing, by means of
capitals, the position of |STREST| syllables in words and phrases:
jar NEIM az/NEIM+Z dha NEIM av a
ri-GAHRD-las av ar SEKS
ri-GAHRD-las av EIDZH/a-V+EIDZH ar di-SENT
a NEI.t.iv AV dhis WARLD
phonemic transcription
A disadvantage of a phonemic, and even more so of a phonetic,
transcription is that the same word is supposed to be shown in
different ways, if and when it is pronounced differently.
For example, many native speakers more or less consistently
replace |O| with |AH|, saying, for instance, |FRAHM| instead of
|FROM|, which is a question of dialect. But words may not only be
pronounced differently in different dialects;
also within one dialect there are words which have a weak and a
strong form. Thus, while the strong form of is is |IZ|,
its weak form is |az|, |s| or |z|, or |S| or |Z|, if it becomes
part of a preceding stressed syllable.
Whatever the pronunciational variants or differences of
pronunciation may be, they will only be relevant here, if they
cause different aural effects as created by the repetition of
sounds. Where there is no poetic
reason to choose the one pronunciation instead of the other,
preference is given to the variant from
which it is possible to derive the other variant(s). Therefore,
the |r| is always shown, because there is a rule for |r|-deletion
in certain dialects (namely, that the r is not
pronounced unless followed by a vowel), whereas we cannot delete
the |r| and then refer to some dialectal rule for |r|-insertion.
Similarly, |o| is shown even at a place where many
native speakers actually utter an |ah|, because the rule is that
then every o is pronounced as |ah|, while there is
not such an alternative rule substituting |o| for every |ah|.
With the above transcription as our basis we can now draw up a
scheme that shows the aural imagery, and the
places where words or phrases are repeated in their entirety (in
boldface) or where a repetition of single sounds creates
assonance or consonance:
___ NEIM az dha NEIM __ _
ri-GAHRD-las av ___E_._.__ ar SE__
ri-GAHRD-las av _____ ar __-SENT
FROM dh__ __ST ar FROM dha WEST
a NEI._.__ __ dh__ W____
DH___ dha NAWRM a_
aural imagery and effects
It may be argued that rhythm is also a kind of 'aural effect',
but if so, then of an entirely different nature than assonance and
consonance. The rhythm of Ananda lies in the order to be
found in the distribution of stressed and unstressed syllables.
This is shown in the following table, in which a capital X
represents a stressed syllable and a small c an unstressed
c X c
c X c c X c c X c
c X c c X c c X
c X c c X c c X
X c X c X c X
X c X c X c X
c X c X c X
X c X c c X c
stress-based rhythm
As so many sounds are repeated in one way or another in
this lyric, it will be worthwhile to show the main alliterative
structure of the complete song separately, that is, with the
repetition of the last two lines. In the following scheme this
structure has been highlighted, while superimposed on the stress
c N__ c
c NEI c c NEI c c X c
c X c c X c c X
c X c c X c c X
X c NAW c X c X
X c X c X c W__
c NEI c X c WAR
X c NAW c c WOH c
c NEI c X c WAR
X c NAW c c WOH c
main alliterative structure
The words |a-NAHN.d.a|, |NEIM|, |NAWRTH|, |NEI.t.iv| and |NAWRM|
clearly alliterate with one another at the beginning and on the
left of the song throughout its ten lines, while the words
|WEST|, |WARLD| and || alliterate with one another on the
right of the song throughout the last five lines. Furthermore, there
is a pattern of dovetailed assonance between |NEIM| and |NEI.t| and
between |NAWRTH| and |NAWRM| on the left. This should explain
why Ananda is portrayed here as 'a person from the North' first
and as 'a person from the East' later, rather than the other way
The pictures at the top and bottom of this page are the top and bottom
halves of the graphic display of the song Ananda as shown in a music
editor, when sung in This Language.